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Acentra Health - Beneficiary and Family Centered Quality Improvement Organization (BFCC-QIO)
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We are the Medicare Quality Improvement Organization, working to improve the quality of care for Medicare beneficiaries. Our site offers beneficiary and family-centered care information for providers, patients, and families. Welcome!

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about acentra health

Acentra Health is the Beneficiary and Family Centered Care Quality Improvement Organization (also known as a BFCC-QIO) for 29 states. Acentra Health helps people with Medicare file complaints about quality of healthcare services and make requests to appeal a hospital discharge or stopping of skilled services such as physical therapy.

We also offer Immediate Advocacy services. It is used to help people quickly resolve a problem about medical care or services. Immediate Advocacy often involves Acentra Health calling a healthcare provider or facility on behalf of the patient.

on-demand education 

Our goal is to provide on-demand education

  • to learn about free Acentra Health BFCC-QIO services for people who have Medicare
  • for healthcare providers to help with their daily work

Click on a link to be directed to videos:

Please note:

Kepro is now Acentra Health. We are working to update our videos with our new name. Until all videos are updated, you will hear "Kepro" mentioned. Rest assured, that all content about our free services for people who have Medicare are accurate. Our name has changed, but our services remain exactly the same.

Videos are on YouTube. If you use a third-party ad blocker while on YouTube, you might not be able to view the videos. Read more on YouTube help.

videos for people who have medicare

Click on the images to the right of the video descriptions to watch the videos.

Kepro BFCC-QIO Services for People Who Have Medicare

This video is an introduction to Kepro’s free services for people who have Medicare.
Overview of Services

Do you have Medicare? Use Immediate Advocacy services to quickly resolve a medical concern.

This video explains our Immediate Advocacy services, including real life examples of when this service may be helpful.

Immediate Advocacy services

Immediate Advocacy: Getting Help With a Prescription Refill

This video is a story about how Immediate Advocacy helped a Medicare patient with her oxygen prescription.

Immediate Advocacy Real-life Story

Immediate Advocacy: Working Through Issues with a Home Health Agency

This video is a story about how Immediate Advocacy helped a Medicare patient resolve concerns with a home health agency.

Thumbnail of video

Do you have Medicare? Learn how to file an appeal.

Learn more about the case status tool. It's a tool on this website that helps you to check the status of an appeal that has been started. You can watch this video in English or Spanish.
How to File an Appeal

An Easy Way to Check Your Appeal Status

Learn more about the case status tool. It's a tool on this website that helps you to check the status of an appeal that has been started.

Case Status

Do you have Medicare? Learn how to file a quality of care complaint.

This video goes over how to file quality of care complaints, including examples of when you may want to call Kepro to file a complaint.

How to File a Quality of Care Complaint

How to Fill out the Quality of Care Complaint Form

This video goes over - step by step - how to fill out the Medicare quality of care complaint form.

Screen shot

videos for healthcare providers

Click on the images to the right of the video descriptions to watch the videos.

Medical Record Documentation for Medicare Hospital Discharge and Skilled Service Termination Appeals

This video will provide you with tips about documentation requirements, to help ensure that medical records are complete and contain the appropriate level of detail. 

Medical Record Documentation

Medical Record Submission Process

This video will go over the medical record electronic submission process for appeals and quality of care complaints. It discusses how to upload the records as well as the sites to do that.

Medical Record Submission

An Easy Way to Check Your Appeal Status

Learn more about the case status tool. It's a tool on this website that helps you to check the status of an appeal that has been started.

Case Status

The BFCC-QIO Appeals Process: What's Next After the Appeal is Filed?

This video provides more detailed information about Kepro’s appeal process.

Case Status

How to Fill Out and Deliver the Notice of Medicare Non-Coverage

This video offers a tutorial for providers regarding how to fill out and deliver the NOMNC form.

Medicare Claims Processing Manual
When clicking on this link, you will be directed to www.cms.gov.

Notice of Medicare Non-coverage

How to Fill Out and Deliver the Important Message From Medicare

This video offers a tutorial for providers about how to fill out and deliver the Important Message from Medicare.

Important Message from Medicare

HINN 1 Instructions

This video offers a tutorial for providers about how to fill out and deliver the HINN 1 notice.

HINN 1 Instructions 
When clicking on this link, you will be directed to www.cms.gov.

HINN 1 Instructions

HINN 10 Instructions

This video offers a tutorial for providers regarding how to fill out and deliver the HINN 10 notice.

HINN 10 Instructions
When clicking on this link, you will be directed to www.cms.gov.

HINN 10 Instructions

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