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Acentra Health - Beneficiary and Family Centered Quality Improvement Organization (BFCC-QIO)
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We are the Medicare Quality Improvement Organization, working to improve the quality of care for Medicare beneficiaries. Our site offers beneficiary and family-centered care information for providers, patients, and families.

KEPRO IS NOW ACENTRA HEALTH. While providers will be encouraged to update their beneficiary notices by changing "Kepro" to "Acentra Health," notices will not be made invalid if they have "Kepro" listed. Copies of these forms can be found on the BNI page on the CMS web site. For more information about our name change and the minimal impact it has on the Medicare providers, stakeholders, and beneficiaries we serve, please visit our FAQ webpage.

NEW PROCESS FOR HOSPITAL DISCHARGE APPEALS: Starting on May 1, 2024, a beneficiary with Traditional Medicare calling Acentra Health to file a discharge appeal due to concerns with discharge planning will be connected to Acentra Health’s Immediate Advocacy department who will then work with facilities to ensure that Medicare beneficiaries clearly understand their discharge plans before continuing with the discharge appeal process. For further details, please visit our appeal page.

case status tool

Use this tool for appeal cases with the following case ID format:

2019MMDD_appeal number_patient’s first and last initial

Appeal Case ID Example: 20190714_23_JD

video: using the case status tool 

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resource spotlight: newsletters

information for healthcare providers

A newsletter for healthcare providers

Case Review Connections will give you a glimpse into Acentra Health and the services provided and updates from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

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Do you want to see a copy of the newsletter before you sign up?

View past issues: Case Review Connections

information for people who have medicare

A newsletter for people who have Medicare

On the Healthcare Front includes topics such as news and information about Medicare as well as details about Acentra Health's free services.

Sign Up Now

Do you want to see a copy of the newsletter before you sign up?

View past issues: On the Healthcare Front


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